Wednesday, September 17, 2008

add a couple of insults to injury

This past weekend I threw my lower back out while over-exerting myself a bit playing frisbee. Well, round about the same time my food poisoning decided to come back [the bacteria and/or virus wasn't really gone - even though I felt ok for a week.] So now not only am I back on a liquid diet with my stomach churning, but also most movements I make that involve my lower back [which is almost ALL movement] are excruciatingly painful. When I woke up this morning I felt so crappy I just wanted to call work and tell them I wasn't coming in. However, since I've already got all my time off planned for pretty much the rest of the year, I don't have much leeway there. So I went in to work. It wasn't long, however, before I realized that I really shouldn't be there. I figured that one out due to the fact that I was spending more time in the bathroom than I was at my desk working. And of course the one day I can't eat anything, and the one day this has ever happened since I've been working here - they were giving away free ice cream in the cafeteria!

So I came home at noon, made myself some chicken broth and am now going to sleep the rest of the day. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow.


Lana said...

So sorry about the back problem! I feel your pain there with back trouble. Hopefully if you can ice it and then use a heating pad alternating, you should get some relief. I recommend lying around for as long as possible. Really nothing but time helped me--although I think that the chiropractor helped over time too. Sorry!!!

Porter Shumway said...

nothing like a bad case of u.a.s. If you don't know what that stands for, you certainly feel what it stands for currently. We people who struggle with u.a.s. must band together. u.a.s. stands for "uncomfortable ass syndrome". You are currently facing this adversity. So sorry.

Wesley said...

awwww sucks to be sick. I'm sorry. hope you feel better soon

LadyCarma said...

I am missing an updated blog from you. I haven't talked with you for a long time (okay, maybe two weeks, but it seems longer) Give me some new news via blog. Or call me in the evenings when you are not working out, hanging out with friends, or sleeping!